Results for 'M. Luz Rodríguez'

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  1.  21
    State of the Art on Artificial Intelligence in Land Use Simulation.M. Luz Castro, Penousal Machado, Iria Santos, Nereida Rodriguez-Fernandez, Alvaro Torrente-Patiño & Adrian Carballal - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-19.
    This review presents a state of the art in artificial intelligence applied to urban planning and particularly to land-use predictions. In this review, different articles after the year 2016 are analyzed mostly focusing on those that are not mentioned in earlier publications. Most of the articles analyzed used a combination of Markov chains and cellular automata to predict the growth of urban areas and metropolitan regions. We noticed that most of these simulations were applied in various areas of China. An (...)
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    Introducción a la filosofía de las emociones.M. Luz Rodríguez - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 28:287.
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    Solving the reporting cells problem by using a parallel team of evolutionary algorithms.David L. González-Álvarez, Álvaro Rubio-Largo, Miguel A. Vega-rodríguez, Sónia M. Almeida-Luz & Juan A. Gómez-Pulido - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (4):722-731.
    In this work, we present a new approach to solve the location management problem by using the reporting cells strategy. Location management is a very important and complex problem in mobile computing which aims to minimize the costs involved. In the reporting cells location management scheme, some cells in the network are designated as reporting cells . The choice of these cells is not trivial because they affect directly to the cost of the mobile network. This article is focused on (...)
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    El juego de los triángulos invisibles en D. Quijote: la estructura indeformable de la semejanza en la metaficción.María José Boyero Rodríguez - 2016 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 43:55-75.
    Para entender esta creación literaria indeformable debemos reflexionar sobre el concepto de semejanza en la obra barroca. La semejanza entendida como búsqueda de creación espiritual del hombre que se va haciendo a medida que las inquietudes intelectuales y científicas trabajan para retratar su alma. Siguiendo el pensamiento de M. Foucault la semejanza, con sus cuatro similitudes, guiará este estudio de triángulos invisibles que les propongo. La parodia, crea una écfrasis en la que la imagen del alma de Cervantes y el (...)
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    Conversatorio: Reflexiones En Torno a la Migración Senegalesa En Argentina y El Estado de la Cuestión En El Campo Académico.Luz Espiro & Eduardo Rodríguez Rocha - 2019 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 22:132-156.
    Bajo el formato de conversatorio, este trabajo se propone reflexionar en torno al estado de la cuestión que estudia la migración senegalesa en Argentina. Mediante el diálogo, sus autores pretenden ahondar en las particularidades de sus respectivos casos de estudio a la luz de las discusiones generales que organizan el debate académico sobre esta corriente migratoria contemporánea. El artículo profundiza en los aspectos teórico-metodológicos desarrollados por las investigaciones principales en el país. Al mismo tiempo, es ilustrado por la problematización de (...)
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  6.  24
    Dissenting mildly: A teacher as a popular journalist.Luz Rodríguez Carranza - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (140).
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    Ortiz, José Mª: La hora de la ética empresarial, McGraw-Hill, Madrid, 1995, 172 págs.Mª Luz Santos Rodero - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico:624-626.
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    Vacuum evaporation of NaCl and KCl crystal surfaces doped with divalent impurities.M. José Yacamán & A. Gómez Rodríguez - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (1):13-26.
  9. Leibniz en diálogo, Sevilla.M. Escribano & Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez (eds.) - 2017
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    Fenomenología del cuerpo como expresión e interpretación.Mª Luz Pintos Peñaranda - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11.
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    Coevolución y Mutualismo: Nociones Conceptuales Coevolution and Mutualism: Conceptual Notions.M. H. Badii, H. Rodríguez, E. Cerna, J. Valenzuela, J. Landeros & Y. Ochoa - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):23-31.
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  12. " Doing the lesson" or" doing science": Argument in high school genetics.M. Pilar Jimenez-Aleixandre, Anxela Bugallo Rodriguez & Richard A. Duschl - 2000 - Science Education 84 (6):757-792.
  13. La Fenomenología y las Ciencias humanas y bio-sociales. Su convergencia en un importante momento de cambio de paradigmas.Mª Luz Pintos Peñaranda - 2004 - Philosophica 27.
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  14. La gran aportación de la fenomenología husserliana para el mundo de hoy.Mª Luz Pintos Peñaranda - 2003 - Escritos de Filosofía 22 (43):125-156.
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    Estrategias de Historia de Vida Life History Strategies.M. H. Badii, H. Rodríguez, E. Cerna, Y. Ochoa, J. Landeros & J. Valenzuela - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):94-102.
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  16.  22
    «Algunas raíces filosóficas del nazismo» de Aron Gurwitsch.M. Luz Pintos Peñaranda - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15:353-376.
    Introducción, traducción y notas de Mari Luz Pintos PeñarandaUniversidad de Santiago de Compostela(Traducción realizada en colaboración con Evaristo Quintáns Hermida).
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    Originalidad léxica en los fragmentos de Arquéstrato de Gela.Mª Teresa Rodríguez Amado - 2010 - Humanitas 62:11-22.
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  18.  17
    Cognitive Flexibility in Schoolchild Through the Graphic Representation of Movement.MᵃLuz Urraca-Martínez & Sylvia Sastre-Riba - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Neuroconstructivism postulates the progressive complexity of mental representation over the course of cognitive development and the role of the graphic representation of movement in the transformation of mental schemas, cognitive flexibility, and representational complexity. This study aims to: understand children’s resources in the drawing of movement ; and verify whether there are differences in the graphic representation of movement as an indicator of cognitive flexibility. The participants were N = 240 children aged 5–8 years; 1,440 drawings were collected representing 2,880 (...)
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  19.  49
    Effect of patient safety strategies on the incidence of adverse events.M. Amelia Fernandez Sierra, M. Del Mar Rodriguez del Aguila, Jose Luis Navarro Espigares & M. Francisca Enriquez Maroto - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (2):184-190.
  20. Partial Understanding and Concept Possession: A Dilemma.Víctor M. Verdejo & Xavier Donato Rodríguez - 2014 - Ratio 28 (2):153-162.
    In the light of partial understanding, we examine the thesis that concepts are individuated in terms of possession conditions and show that adherents face a fatal dilemma: Either concept-individuating possession conditions include cases of partially understood concepts or not. If yes, possession conditions do not individuate concepts. If no, the thesis is too restricted and lacks a minimally satisfactory level of generalization.
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  21.  17
    Children’s Individual Differences in Executive Function and Theory of Mind in Relation to Prejudice Toward Social Minorities.Ángela Hoyo, M. Rosario Rueda & Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:442752.
    Executive function (EF) and theory of mind (ToM) are key cognitive skills for socio-emotional adjustment. Executive function develops considerably between 3 and 7 years of age, and fosters the development of social cognition skills such as ToM. Studies with adults have shown a link between EF and prejudice, as well as between empathy and prejudice. Moreover, the relationship between EF, cognitive and affective ToM and prejudice has barely been studied in children. In this study, we aimed at examining the relationship (...)
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  22.  19
    Analyzing the Relationship Between Child-to-Parent Violence and Perceived Parental Warmth.M. Carmen Cano-Lozano, F. Javier Rodríguez-Díaz, Samuel P. León & Lourdes Contreras - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  23.  20
    Jumping to conclusions is differently associated with specific subtypes of delusional experiences: An exploratory study in first-episode psychosis.L. Diaz-Cutraro, H. Garcia-Mieres, R. Lopez-Carrilero, M. Ferrer, M. Verdaguer-Rodriguez, M. L. Barrigon, A. Barajas, E. Grasa, E. Pousa, E. Lorente, I. Ruiz-Delgado, F. Gonzalez-Higueras, J. Cid, C. Palma-Sevillano, S. Moritz, Group Spanish Metacognition & S. Ochoa - 2021 - Schizophrenia Research 228:357–359.
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  24.  30
    Creep mechanism of gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride polycrystals II. Deformation mechanism.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez †, D. Gómez-García, M. Jiménez–Melendo & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (31):3387-3395.
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  25.  71
    Analysis of expressed sequence tag loci on wheat chromosome group 4. Miftahudin, K. Ross, X. -F. Ma, A. A. Mahmoud, J. Layton, M. A. Rodriguez Milla, T. Chikmawati, J. Ramalingam, O. Feril, M. S. Pathan, G. Surlan Momirovic, S. Kim, K. Chema, P. Fang, L. Haule, H. Struxness, J. Birkes, C. Yaghoubian, R. Skinner, J. McAllister, V. Nguyen, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, M. E. Sorrells, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, G. R. Lazo, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, D. -W. Choi, R. D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset, H. T. Nguyen & J. P. Gustafson - unknown
    A total of 1918 loci, detected by the hybridization of 938 expressed sequence tag unigenes from 26 Triticeae cDNA libraries, were mapped to wheat homoeologous group 4 chromosomes using a set of deletion, ditelosomic, and nulli-tetrasomic lines. The 1918 EST loci were not distributed uniformly among the three group 4 chromosomes; 41, 28, and 31% mapped to chromosomes 4A, 4B, and 4D, respectively. This pattern is in contrast to the cumulative results of EST mapping in all homoeologous groups, as reported (...)
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  26.  22
    Emergencia sanitaria: dos marcos de deliberación.M. ª Teresa Lopez de la Vieja de la Torre & David Rodríguez-Arias Vailhen - 2020 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 65:37.
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    Creep mechanism of gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride polycrystals I. Macroscopic and microscopic experimental study.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez †, D. Gómez-García, M. Jiménez-Melendo & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (31):3375-3386.
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    Filosofía de la técnica de la naturaleza. Cruz Rodríguez, M., Narratividad: la nueva síntesis.M. L. Rodríguez - 1987 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 22:248.
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  29.  50
    Individual Precursors of Student Homework Behavioral Engagement: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation, Perceived Homework Utility and Homework Attitude.Natalia Suárez, Bibiana Regueiro, Iris Estévez, María del Mar Ferradás, M. Adelina Guisande & Susana Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:445527.
    Currently, the concept of engagement is crucial in the field of learning and school achievement. It is a multidimensional concept (e.g., behavioral, emotional, and cognitive dimensions) that has been widely used as a theoretical framework to explain the processes of school engagement and dropout. However, this conceptual framework has been scarcely used in the field of homework. The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of intrinsic motivation, perceived homework utility, and personal homework attitude as precursors of (...)
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  30. Efectividad de la terapia grupal cognitivo-conductual en el tratamiento de la depresión en mujeres diagnosticadas con fibromialgia: un estudio piloto en la Zona Norte de Costa Rica.A. Villalobos-Pérez, C. Araya-Cuadra, D. Rivera-Porras, M. Jara-Parra & Y. Zamora-Rodríguez - 2005 - Humanitas 1:12-25.
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  31.  36
    Coping with the 10th anniversary of 9/11: Muslim Americans' sadness, fear, and anger.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Tasmiha Khan & Arielle Selya - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):932-941.
  32.  24
    Una exploración de los procesos de subsunción y aplicación a la luz de la determinación transcendental del tiempo.Javier Lapuerta Gayo - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:275-279.
    _Reseña de: Jiménez Rodríguez, Alba M., _Deducción y aplicación de las categorías en la filosofía de Kant_, Granada, Comares, 2021, pp. 278. __ISBN 978-84-1369-217-3_.
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  33.  45
    Marcuse y la crítica al concepto positivista de «hecho».M. Rodríguez González - 1987 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 22:89.
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  34. Sustainable Development and Corporate Performance: A Study Based on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.M. Victoria López, Arminda Garcia & Lazaro Rodriguez - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (3):285-300.
    The goal of this paper is to examine whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practices included under the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). To achieve this goal, we analyse the relation between CSR and certain accounting indicators and examine whether there exist significant differences in performance indicators between European firms that have adopted CSR and others that have not. The effects of compliance with the requirements of CSR were determined on the basis of firms included in the (...)
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  35.  26
    Reingeniería educativa y valores éticos.Gilberto González Rodríguez, J. L. Abreu & M. H. Badii - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):312-345.
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  36. Calidad y equidad desde una pedagogía ética. Un lenguaje distinto para la alteridad.Rodríguez I. Bosch & M. Jl Y. Lahoz - 2007 - Episteme 11.
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  37.  20
    De Almanzor a Felipe II: la inscripción del Puente de Alcántara de Toledo (387/997-998) y su curiosa historia.M. ª José Rodríguez & Juan Antonio Souto - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (1):185-185.
    This paper studies an Umayyad Andalusi foundation inscription, dated 387/4 January 997-2 January 998, which is no longer extant but has been transmited in a summary in Castilian on a tablet dated 1259 and repaired in 1575. An attempt is made to deduce the original Arabic text, and the documented facts and persons are discussed.
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  38. Advance directives and the family: French and American perspectives.D. Rodríguez-Arias, G. Moutel, M. P. Aulisio, A. Salfati, J. C. Coffin, J. L. Rodríguez-Arias, L. Calvo & C. Hervé - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (3):139-145.
    Several studies have explored differences between North American and European doctor patient relationships. They have focused primarily on differences in philosophical traditions and historic and socioeconomic factors between these two regions that might lead to differences in behaviour, as well as divergent concepts in and justifications of medical practice. However, few empirical intercultural studies have been carried out to identify in practice these cultural differences. This lack of standard comparative empirical studies led us to compare differences between France and the (...)
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  39. Donation After Circulatory Death: Burying the Dead Donor Rule.David Rodríguez-Arias, Maxwell J. Smith & Neil M. Lazar - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8):36-43.
    Despite continuing controversies regarding the vital status of both brain-dead donors and individuals who undergo donation after circulatory death (DCD), respecting the dead donor rule (DDR) remains the standard moral framework for organ procurement. The DDR increases organ supply without jeopardizing trust in transplantation systems, reassuring society that donors will not experience harm during organ procurement. While the assumption that individuals cannot be harmed once they are dead is reasonable in the case of brain-dead protocols, we argue that the DDR (...)
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  40. One or two types of death? Attitudes of health professionals towards brain death and donation after circulatory death in three countries.D. Rodríguez-Arias, J. C. Tortosa, C. J. Burant, P. Aubert, M. P. Aulisio & S. J. Youngner - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):457-467.
    This study examined health professionals’ (HPs) experience, beliefs and attitudes towards brain death (BD) and two types of donation after circulatory death (DCD)—controlled and uncontrolled DCD. Five hundred and eighty-seven HPs likely to be involved in the process of organ procurement were interviewed in 14 hospitals with transplant programs in France, Spain and the US. Three potential donation scenarios—BD, uncontrolled DCD and controlled DCD—were presented to study subjects during individual face-to-face interviews. Our study has two main findings: (1) In the (...)
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  41. What is right is right : a three-part account of how ideology shapes factual belief.M. Ringel Megan, G. Rodriguez Cristian & H. Ditto Peter - 2018 - In Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt, Belief systems and the perception of reality. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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    Contextualising Early Christian Martyrdom.David M. Rodríguez Chaves - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (2):221-225.
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  43. G. Vico: Oración I.M. Rodríguez - 1992 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2:253-259.
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  44.  29
    Perceived social image and life satisfaction across cultures.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera & Toshie Imada - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1132-1141.
    We studied the relationship between perceived social image and life satisfaction in four different cultural groups. One-hundred nine Indian (63 females, 46 males), 67 Pakistani/Bangladeshi (36 females, 31 males), 76 White British (43 females, 33 males), and 94 European Americans (43 females, 48 males) completed measures on the cultural importance of social image, positive and negative emotions, academic achievement, and perceived social image. Indian and Pakistani/Bangladeshi participants valued social image more than White British and European-American participants. Consistent with this value (...)
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    Libro reseñado: José Félix de Restrepo 1760-1832. Nuestro filósofo Ilustrado. Autor: Daniel Herrera Restrepo.M. Duque & Luz Marina - 2004 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 29:100-106.
    Herrera Restrepo, Daniel. José Félix de Restrepo 1760-1832. Nuestro filósofo Ilustrado. Cali: Programa Editorial de la Universidad del Valle, 2003.
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    Attack, disapproval, or withdrawal? The role of honour in anger and shame responses to being insulted.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Agneta H. Fischer, Antony S. R. Manstead & Ruud Zaalberg - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1471-1498.
    Insults elicit intense emotion. This study tests the hypothesis that one's social image, which is especially salient in honour cultures, influences the way in which one reacts to an insult. Seventy-seven honour-oriented and 72 non-honour oriented participants answered questions about a recent insult episode. Participants experienced both anger and shame in reaction to the insult. However, these emotions resulted in different behaviours. Anger led to verbal attack (i.e., criticising, insulting in return) among all participants. This relationship was explained by participants’ (...)
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  47.  21
    One, two, or many mechanisms? The brain's processing of complex words.Thomas F. M.ü, Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells nte & Marta Kutas - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1031-1032.
    The heated debate over whether there is only a single mechanism or two mechanisms for morphology has diverted valuable research energy away from the more critical questions about the neural computations involved in the comprehension and production of morphologically complex forms. Cognitive neuroscience data implicate many brain areas. All extant models, whether they rely on a connectionist network or espouse two mechanisms, are too underspecified to explain why more than a few brain areas differ in their activity during the processing (...)
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    El derecho a la libre autodeterminación de los pueblos y el caso fallido del Sahara occidental. Los límites del cosmopolitismo y la ecosoberanía como propuesta alternativa.M. Rodríguez Añuez - 2017 - Araucaria 19:381-403.
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    Efectos del uso de TIC en la evaluación del aprendizaje.Mª Isabel López Rodríguez & Maja Barac - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-12.
    Utilizamos una herramienta de gamificación, un sistema de votación electrónica, en una asignatura a nivel universitario. Analizamos si el uso de dicha herramienta en las actividades de la evaluación continua repercutió o no en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, concretamente, en los resultados del examen final. Para ello recopilamos datos sobre las características del alumnado potencialmente influyentes en el rendimiento académico que estudiamos aplicando técnicas de análisis de datos descriptivas e inferenciales. El resultado muestra que el alumnado puede llegar a incrementar (...)
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  50. From al-Mansur to Philip II: The inscription of the Alcantara bridge of Toledo (387/997-998) and its curious history.M. J. Rodriguez & J. A. Souto - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (1):185-209.
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